7 Aldersgate Dr. Belleville, Ontario
(613) 962-1192  |  office@aldersgatevillage.com


Partner with us!  Help support new development at Aldersgate!

•••Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!


The continuing vision of Aldersgate is to develop additional affordable housing for seniors, with an assisted living component. 

As a Charitable, not-for-profit organization, Aldersgate Homes Inc. can issue tax receipts for all public donations.  Please consider donating to the Aldersgate Development Fund or leaving a Legacy Gift in your will.


Announcing a new Partnership with Advisors with Purpose!

ADVISORS with Purpose works with charities and churches to offer free and confidential estate plans that help individuals and couples fulfill their desire to be faithful stewards of assets that will be left behind in their estate and will. We have partnered with Advisors with Purpose to offer you this unique opportunity to create a legacy that will impact the next generation and sustain meaningful charitable activities around the world.

We would like to offer you the opportunity for a complimentary, confidential consultation with an estate planner who can help you gain a better understanding of what you need to do to put an Estate Plan in place, one that creates a legacy that reflects the life you lived.

You may contact ADVISORS with Purpose directly at 1-866-336-3315 or email plan@advisorswithpurpose.ca